Welcome to our blog! Bridgette was born on my due date, January 17, 2011. We are truely blessed!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wow, a half a year already?

Yesterday Bridgette turned 6 months old. We had our monthly photo shoot and I think we did another fabulous job. Bridgette now weighs 15 lbs and is 26 1/2 inches long! She did not enjoy her doctor appointment this morning. Between having ear wax dug out of her ears and her shots she was not a happy camper. I'm glad it is over!

This past month B started eating rice cereal and I introduced dairy back into my diet. She did great with both until the end of last week. She started passing aweful gas and was grunting and straining often. We were not really sure why but we tried to be patient parents with fussiness, night wakings, etc because we could tell she was uncomfortable. I thought it was the oatmeal that I gave her last week but our doc thinks it is the dairy. Of course! So here we are back at square one and the saga continues. It's time to wean and wean fast. Our pocket books will never be the same again with having to buy the most expensive formula and paying for day care soon. But it is all worth it for the happiness and well being of our daughter. Well heck, the happiness and mental health status of our whole family!

B is growing and changing so rapidly let's see if I can even remember all of the monthly milestones. She can eat from a spoon like a champ, sit up all by herself, roll over (even though she still doesn't care about rolling), pass a toy from one hand to the other, reach for everything in sight, put everything in mouth including toes, loves having stories read to her so she can beat her hands on the pages, can put her self to sleep by sucking her two fingers, loves playing with any toy that lights up and makes noises, loves playing in her jumperoo, it too heavy for the swing, almost too heavy for the bouncy seat, tries to turn herself to get to toys she cannot reach while laying on belly, and still loves playing on her back like a bump on a log.

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